Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Directing the Lava: The Team has erupted.

Directing The Lava:

The Team has erupted.

You have built up your staff.  You have increased their confidence, their motivation, and gotten them moving.  They are LIQUID.  You have used your passion to heat up their passion.  Combine that with the need for change and the explosion you hoped for has occurred.

What next?

At the climax of the eruption, drops of lava are found at different elevations.  Some of the lava shoots high into the air, propelled by the heat and pressure and lava behind it.  These team members play a critical role.  They are also leaders of their peers in their right.  They are excited and enthusiastic!  The are taking their energy to  new levels and doing it fast.  

For these team members, you must harness some of their explosive energy and focus it. This is your opportunity to start getting things done.  Use their enthusiasm for brainstorming and for bringing people together.  They can help keep the team rallied.

Others are mid-air.  They are on board.  They are not dragging their feet.  They are not running ahead.  These people may be the ones that were semi-content before the changes.   These may be the associates that have very busy lives outside of work, and do not tend to get consumed in the day-to-day negativities of the workplace of the past.  They are there out of necessity, but typically come to work, do what they must, are pleasant, and watch the clock until it's time to go do "more important things".  These members of your staff are pretty easy going.  They don't mind complying with the change, especially if it's for the better.  It is still important to keep them motivated by getting them more invested and showing them there can also be satisfaction and self-fulfillment in their time spent at work.

The rest, of course, are those just gurgling over the surface.  Overflowing out of the volcano mostly because of the momentum of those behind them pushing them forward.  Remember, even if there is resistance, they are still moving.  They may be slower, and their motivation may not be aligned with yours (it may even be self-focused), but at least they are not holding your team back.  By default, this is a part of life, and some people just do NOT like change.  This does not mean they won't comply with change regardless of whether the motivation is internal or external.

This is your time to encourage them for the little things you are seeing.  Praise them.  Encourage them to help each other grow and acknowledge each other for the changes they are seeing in the behavior and efforts of their peers.  Congratulations you are on your way to success!  Your 'flywheel' has started to gain its momentum,

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